Educational Development Center/USAID Social Network Analysis Study
Dates: March - June, 2019
Project: Flux was project lead on a Social Network Analysis study for Mindanao Youth for Development (MYDev). MYDev is a 6-year project whose purpose is to contribute to peace and stability through improving youth’s life skills, increasing youth’s civic engagement, strengthening local governance, and increasing employability for 24,000 vulnerable out-of-school youth in Mindanao, southern Philippines.
This research project seeks to better understand youth resilience to violent extremism through employing SNA, recognizing that youth are embedded in systems and networks that influence their individual outcomes.
Responsibilities: study lead researcher.
"Flux had a great ability to navigate a work culture that was new…[Flux] demonstrated flexibility to accommodate to project constraints and timelines and also transparency."
- Alejandra Bonifaz, Project Lead at the Education Development Center