Lutheran World Relief, Gold Fields, CEDEPAS Norte
Dates: May 2016 – December 2016
Client/Project: Lutheran World Relief (LWR) is a Baltimore-based foundation working to combat poverty through agricultural development, climate change adaptation, and emergency operations. The REDyPAC program (Promoción de Redes Empresariales y Participación Ciudadana para mejorar ingresos campesinos en Hualgayoc, Promotion of Business Networks and Civic Participation to improve rural livelihoods in Hualgayoc) was established in northern Peru in 2009 as a partnership between Gold Fields, a mining company, LWR, and CEDEPAS Norte. The first two phases of the program included both a ‘productive component,’ aimed at raising the income of 420 dairy producing households, and a ‘civic participation component,’ aimed at building the leadership capacity and the quality of management in local governance in at least 20 villages.
Responsibilities: Flux performed an evaluability assessment of REDyPAC during an Inception Phase in May and June, 2016. The Implementation Phase applied Contribution Analysis to gauge how and to what extent the activities of the program’s civic participation component had affected the attainment (or not) of the goals of the productive component. Flux executed the entire project from proposal/contracting through data collection, analysis, and results presentation.
Link to Lutheran World Relief evaluation summary and management response:
"Flux adeptly executed Contribution Analysis to evaluate a complex economic development initiative around a gold mine in northern Peru. The results furnishes profound insights into our operations and impact which we are continually learning from and sharing widely!...
Flux's expertise in qualitative analysis was enormously refreshing. They were knowledgeable about a volume of methods and utilized a broad range during our project...Our program received a thorough evaluation! The professionalism and attention to detail made the entire process smooth and straightforward."
-- Garrett Schiche, Director of Program Quality, Lutheran World Relief.