Delgado Community College & Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Dates: Aug 2019 - Ongoing
Project: The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation awarded the 3-year, $1.19 million “Guided Hospitality Pathways” grant to Delgado Community College in late 2017. The grant aims to strengthen Delgado’s hospitality career pathways programming through improving (a) workforce development, (b) college readiness, and (c) technical education.
During the Inception Phase, Flux established the foundations of the grant evaluation system, specifically:
Theory of Change (ToC): displaying explicit, unified picture of how the grant activities should work to produce outputs, outcomes, and impacts. A version of the ToC is available here on Delgado’s website:
Evaluation Questions: corresponding to points of interest on the ToC which evidence could help resolve in greater detail; high-priority for grant stakeholders.
Evaluation Plan: a practical plan connecting evaluation questions to the work that will be necessary to build a base of evidence and inform answers.