Dates: April 2014 – March 2015
Project: Ongoing Developmental Evaluation of program funded by the McKnight Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. CCRP provides grants for agricultural research in 4 ‘communities of practice’ (CoPs) covering 12 countries in Africa and South America.
Creation of 2014-2018 program-level M&E Plan which for the first time made possible the systematic connection of M&E questions to associated indicators, outcomes, workflows, products, and audiences. This feature facilitated the streamlining of various M&E tasks and led to the redefinition of several main M&E questions.
Coordination of interaction between M&E activities at program-level and regional/grantee-level including systematic review of project-level documents with feedback given in English, Spanish, and French.
Revamping of contracting process for regional M&E consultants, including seeking out competent professionals to recommend to Regional Teams and training new regional M&E consultants in the CCRP approach to M&E. Three new consultants hired, saving travel costs, reinforcing regional team autonomy, and enhancing molding of the M&E to local languages & culture.
Design and implementation of M&E protocol surrounding yearly CoP meetings including in-person observation/interviews, data warehousing, qualitative coding/analysis (in NVivo) for production of pre/post memos for Regional Teams, as well as brochures/talking points for Leadership Team calls and meetings.
In-situ facilitation of grantee Theories of Change and M&E Plan development. Field visits for observational data collection. Management of project to upgrade program-level online monitoring system including project planning, finding and setting up contracting with Django/SalesForce software consultants and program-wide needs assessment.