'I am for peace' Institute
Instituto Sou da Paz
"Flux's evaluation of a landmark 10-year policy advocacy process surrounding two United Nation's arms control processes was carried out with great depth and attention to detail. It was remarkable to behold the transformation of massive, complex datasets collected into clear language that the client readily understood."
-- Fabrizio Rigout, Executive Director of PLaN Brasil
Dates: December 2012 – February 2013
Project: Sou da Paz is locally renowned in their home base of São Paulo for their violence prevention work with at-risk youth and police officers, and their central role in a 2003 national disarmament campaign. PlanPP contracted with Sou da Paz to evaluate an international branch of their activities based on several staff members’ involvement in advocacy efforts surrounding two UN processes regulating the trade, storage, and use of conventional weaponry.
Website: www.soudapaz.org
- Co-designed data collection instruments with client in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.
- Data collection from 208 project stakeholders across 35 countries, supplemented by 32 Skype interviews with advocates, diplomats, and politicians.
- Qualitative database constructed: 1,479 citations.
- Final products prepared, including a modular final report (47 page avg. of 6 versions, in English), de-identified qualitative citation database (translated from Spanish and Portuguese into English, when applicable).
- Results Workshop: In-person presentation and discussion of findings to NGO leadership.